Christmas Update

Hello Brothers and Sister in Christ and Friends!

How are you all? By the Grace of God, the Supporting Heart Teams and our Children are all good: safe, healthy, and happy.  Covid -19 has spread all around the world, and while our boarder with Thailand has been closed since MARCH, our God is faithful and he has not left us alone. Let’s fight together because this is how we will win the battles and the WAR.

Supporting Heart Social Association was registered in January as a legal Association in Myanmar and we bought new land in August. With our children's help, we have been clearing and leveling the land and building a perimeter wall. Thank you so much for your support. 

As we are nearing Christmas and for many of us celebrating the birth of our Lord plus coming to the end of this year 2020, we believe that the gift of our new land is the beginning of a new season for 2021 by building our foundation on the ceiling that lung Frank left us (He is doing well and we are constantly in touch). To equip us to serve the local community better by being living examples of the scripture, representing and sharing the unconditional love of our Lord Jesus. In the communities we serve, the perishing, broken, forgotten, abused, addicted, trafficked, it is highly possible the way we live our lives may be the only Bible some people have seen and we have the honor of bringing the light of Jesus Christ to those who want to receive, and those that don't we still serve, for His love is unconditional. It will give hope to the children who do not have homes and have been abused physically, psychologically, and spiritually. It will give them all a chance of a new life through unconditional love, vocational training, and those that want Bible training.  

We are now praying for the funding that will allow us to start to build on the land, starting in Febuary2021. Approximate funds needed, 6 Million THB, US$200,000, AUS$270,000. If you feel lead to contribute or fundraise, one-off or regular donations, please use our usual channels marking your donation Land & Build. Thank You.

New land project filling in the Land and building the wall and children are helping

( New land project filling the land and building the wall and children are helping)

During September in Tachileik, many people were infected by the Diphtheria virus and became sick, however, our safe house children stayed healthy because they got three doses of the vaccine. The government provided the vaccine for free for those children under 15 years old while those over 15 years old were injected at a nearby clinic and had to pay. September, October and November the team and our children worked on the new land by clearing the area and building the wall. Every morning Christina and Florence teach, English, Maths, and Grammar to our children, and 5 of our children are learning via online classes the beginning of Thai and Chinese for business and computer skills. In the afternoon we went to work on our new land, our children's EXTRA TUITION outside of school, to help clear it, construction of the wall, as well as planting vegetables, catching small fish, and feeding our pigs and chickens. All part of learning life skills, and responsibility, but they had a lot of fun, too.

(Children learning online class with computer and some are studying at safe house)


(Children are planting own vegetable and fruit tree, feed the pigs)

In the last week of November, Tachileik suffered from a second wave of Covid-19.  In the only hospital, there were not enough rooms for patients, and the doctors and nurses were overwhelmed.  The city is locked down now. Because the boarders have been closed since March, supplies are scarce, prices have greatly increased and people who were working have lost their jobs and no longer have any money. Crime has greatly increased, every night houses are broken into and things and food are stolen. Here at our Safe House, a thief came in twice and the second time we caught him. It is not safe even in our own homes.

When possible we continue to serve within our community. December 1st Worlds Aids Day our children and the SH team wrote Bible verses and put them into the food boxes to the street family at the cemetery.  “They will know we are Christian by our love."

(Supporting Heart Teams and children are cooking food and gave to the street family at cemetery)

As we draw near the end of 2020, and prepare for a New Year and Season all of us at SH want to thank you for your continual support, we could not do what we do without you, You are our HEROS. We pray for you every week and hope our partnership continues for years to come.

Blessing and Thank you.

Florence and Teams

Just a little reminder of what your support has achieved.


Wasanna wanting to die, given up on life. Wasanna Nov2020.THANK YOU.


Jeremiah before and after now in Safe House. THANK YOU.

( Mi Si was begged on the boarder and Now in School got Top1. THANK YOU.)

(LowPhar was on the street before and he got No.1 in district for Myanmar Karate,now in Safe House. THANK YOU.)